Find is a social enterprise of Homeward Trust Edmonton that provides essential furnishings free of charge to individuals and families transitioning out of homelessness, while also offering low-cost, quality furniture and housewares for sale to the public. All items are donated by the community, and 100% of proceeds support those moving into stable housing. īciteīturn0search0ī Read more...
Goodwill Thrift Store offers second hand clothing and household goods at an affordable cost. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Mustard Seed seeks to meet the immediate needs of those experiencing homelessness and poverty through services such as emergency housing; providing clothing; offering food and meals; providing employment supports; offering spiritual care; and community engagement. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
St. Vincent de Paul Society (Edmonton) offers clothing, household goods, food, and community referrals within the Edmonton area. Contact them for more information. Read more...
Suit Yourself – Wardrobe for Women Association offers new and gently-worn business attire are distributed free of charge to local women who are searching for employment or making a transition into the workforce. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Goodwill Thrift Store offers second hand clothing and household goods at an affordable cost. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Goodwill Thrift Store offers second hand clothing and household goods at an affordable cost. Visit their website for more information. Read more...