Maison Mère-Mallet is operated by the Jules-Dallaire Family Foundation they may offer emergency shelter, food and meals and affordable clothing to those in need. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Les Coffres de M. Vincent (SSSVP) offers items such as clothing and furniture to families in need at low or no cost. Read more...
Centre Ozanam (secteur basse-ville) offers affordable clothing, appliances and other household goods. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Comptoir Louise et Frédéric (SSVP) offers second hand clothing, household items and electronics. Read more...
Patro Roc-Amadour is a community centre offering food, affordable clothing, spiritual and mental health counselling and recreational activities. Please visit their website for more information. Read more...
La Bouchée généreuse offers access to a foodbank and grocery items; affordable clothing and household items; and some supplies such as medical glasses. French speaking only. Read more...