Adult Literacy Fredericton offers free, confidential, one to one English Literacy program for persons 18+. They may focus on reading, writing, and other literacy skills. Visit their website for additional information. Read more...
Harvest House Ministries offers a faith based, addictions recovery program with a holistic approach. They integrate life skills, work ethics, education and spiritual well-being into programs for individuals 18 or older. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Salvation Army Moncton Community Family Services offers a wide range of programs and services to individuals and families in Moncton, including food and meal programs, laundry room access; vouchers for clothing and household items at Salvation Army Thrift Stores; income tax clinics; child and youth programming; and pastoral care. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Anderson House offers emergency shelter and housing for women and children who have experienced domestic violence. They also offer safety planning, advocacy, childcare services, drop-in support, follow-up support, referrals to outreach services and second stage housing, and information pertaining to resources such as lawyers, stay away orders, transportation, child care and pet care. Their address is confidential for safety reasons. Read more...
Head Start Moncton: Open Doors GED Program offers learning opportunities for adults to earn their GED within the Moncton community. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Salvation Army New Hope Centre (St. John’s) offers meals, community supports, some medical intervention, spiritual support, and recreational programming. This location operates out of George Street United church. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Central Labrador YMCA offers recreation and community activities to the St. John’s community. They may also offer support finding employment. Please visit their website to learn more. Read more...
HGR Mews Community Centre is a recreation facility operates by the City of St. John’s, and available to the public. Visit their website to see a list of programs and services. Read more...
Service New Brunswick (Queen Street) offers assistance obtaining ID; accessing social service benefits for disability or low income families; book driving tests; provide assistance in finding employment; and provide information on tourism or recreation. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Chances Family Centre provides a variety of services and programs to moms and their children such as parenting classes. Visit their website for more information. Read more...