Long-term Inmates Now in the Community Society (LINC) offers peer support; community meals and food bank access; LGBTQ supports; and a community garden. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Women’s Place Resource Centre offers trauma counselling and other services to victims of domestic violence. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Salvation Army Care & Share Centre operates a soup kitchen; homeless outreach program; emergency shelter; and provides referrals for other assistance. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Emerald Centre offers access to shelter; food and meals; support workers and case management; harm reduction supplies; and community referrals. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Sources Community resource Centre (Newton) offers assistance to low income individuals and families such as access to a food bank; find affordable housing; access medical and disability benefits; access legal aid; access harm reduction supplies and health care clinics. Visit their website for additional information. Read more...
Chilliwack Community Services offers a variety of services including: health care support for pregnant women; child and youth programs; debt counselling; a sexual abuse intervention program; transportation for seniors; employment services and skills workshops; literacy programs; transitional housing for youth; a settlement program; legal clinic access; and referral services. Read more...
Interior Community Services (765 Tranquille Road) provides a variety of services including family counselling; meals on wheels; and more. Visit their website for additional information. Read more...
Ladner Resource Centre offers community living services and community inclusion services. Visit their website for additional information. Read more...
Ruth & Naomi’s Mission provides services to Women in the Chilliwack community, including laundry & showers; meals and food hampers; an extreme weather overnight shelter; weekly drop-in coffee; and free gently used clothing. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Kamloops Public Library offers access to books, movies and music, as well as educational and community programs. Visit their website to see a full list of services, and view library locations. Read more...