City of Kamloops: Accessible Recreation offers accessible recreation options as well as fee subsidy programs to the Kamloops community. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Gathering Place Community Centre provides programs with a focus on food and nutrition, health, education, recreation, arts and culture, and community development. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
City of Maple Ridge offers sports and fitness classes available to the community. Visit their website for more information, or to see classes available, dates and fees. Read more...
City of Saskatoon maintains a directory of park locations and amenities which is available through link to google maps. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Parkland Restorative Justice provides social justice support to those in the justice system. They support inmate visitation and offender re-integration in the Prince Albert community. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
YMCA Prince Albert Community Connection Centre may provide assistance in finding affordable housing; and will provide some counselling services. They may refer to other local charities for meals and clothing assistance. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Elizabeth Fry Society works with women during and after incarceration. They offer support to women at risk, and to those who are criminalised as a result of poverty, racism, abuse, or lack of education. They also provide reintegration and legal services. Visit their website for more information. Toll Free: 1-888-934-4606 Read more...
Visit the To Do Canada website to see a directory of parks and trails in and around Regina, and to see more information. Read more...
YWCA Homeward Bound offers housing assistance for chronically homeless individuals. They may provide assessment and placements; life skills workshops; landlord communication help; assist in setting up your home; assistance with government forms; and more. Visit their website for more information. YMCA Homeward Bound also supports Kindred Spirit, a program for women at risk of losing children to child welfare agencies, Read more...
Family Futures is a voluntary support program for pregnant women. They may provide support for family nutrition, parenting classes, home visits, childcare, and crisis services. Visit their website for more information. Read more...