Indigenous Christian Fellowship offers a variety of services to the indigenous community including a drop in centre; providing some food and meals; counselling services and talking circles; and other programs related to mental health and addictions. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Salvation Army Community Ministries offers clothing vouchers to one of The Salvation Army thrift stores, as well as “emergency packs” for those moving into their own place (these packs may include the basics to get them started ex: cutlery, towel, pots/pans, bedding, etc). They may also make referrals to addiction services or to mobile crisis teams. They have social workers Read more...
International Women of Saskatoon offers access to settlement advisors; after-school programs; English assistance; as well as employment training and job skills for newcomers, immigrants and refugees. Some programs require registration. Drop-in may be available. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Salvation Army Haven of Hope Ministries offers emergency assistance to families in need; has a bed program to supply beds to those without one; offers food and nutrition programs; camping and Christmas programs; an income tax clinic; and seniors programs. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Jessy’s Garden is a community garden available to the Prince Albert community. Community members may shop for an affordable price, or volunteer at the garden. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre offers food bank access to the Saskatoon community. They may also provide literacy programs; employment supports; an urban garden, clothing depot and income tax clinic. Read more...
John Howard Society (Regina) offers a variety of services to prisoners and ex-prisoners including housing services, relapse prevention plans, a drop in centre and a fine options program. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Saskatoon Indian & Metis Friendship Centre is a community centre which offers pow wow dancing, beading and crafts; 60s scoop support group; sweatlodge access; networking luncheons; and more. Visit their website for additional information. Read more...
John Howard Society (Saskatoon) offers a variety of services to prisoners and ex-prisoners including housing supports and a fine options program. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Saskatoon Public Library offers a variety of books, movies and music which can be borrowed at low or no cost. They also maintain an event calendar which includes opportunities such as book clubs, community dance parties, grown up story times and art or sketching groups. Visit their website for more information. Read more...