Centre communautaire Laval-Ouest is a community centre which offers sports programming, fitness classes and other activities. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Patro de LĆ©vis is a community centre which may offer recreational activities and spiritual support. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Centre de services communautaires Justice et foi offers crime prevention and social reintegration strategies for offenders. They may also offer spiritual care. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Maison du PĆØre offer a homeless shelter, health care services, meals, clinical programs, reintegration supports and more. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
ContinuitĆ©-Famille auprĆØs des dĆ©tenues offers support for women to maintain and strengthen ties with their children during and after their incarceration. Services are available in prison and in the community. Please contact them for more information. Families and interveners at Leclerc detention center 514-652-9891 CFAD office: 514-989-9891 toll free: 1-877-229-9891 Read more...
L’Abri de la Rive-Sud offers housing accommodationa for homeless individuals. They may also offer a day centre, affordable clothing, a postal/mail box, and recreational activities. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Cantine des oeuvres St-Jacques offers meals, social activities, and emotional support to vulnerable members of the Montreal community. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Accueil Bonneau is a shelter for homeless individuals or at those risk to become homeless. They also operate a health center, and may have clothing, food and meals, and other social programming available. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
ComitƩ de dƩveloppement local de Chomedey CDLC is a group of citizens mobilized in equity for all. They advocate for education, food, communication, and community partnership. Contact them for more information. Read more...
Ćcole multiethnique de langues et de cultures du QuĆ©bec offers French classes for naturalized Canadian citizens, permanent residents, temporary workers, foreign students, refugees and asylum seekers. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...