Visit the WPL website to see information on library hours and locations, services, fees, volunteer opportunities, programs and events. Read more...
The Windsor Jewish Federation & Community Centre serves as a busy hub of activity, enriching life for the Jewish and greater Windsor communities, based on Jewish values. Has a variety of programs (fitness/recreational, for education, culture, support, as well as children’s programs). Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Drouillard Place is a multi-service provider dedicated to improving the quality of Life of the residents of the Drouillard and Grandview communities. They offer emergency food bank service, as well as social work services. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Community Care Durham offers a variety of services to support the community including Meals on Wheels; assisted living/aupportive housing; adult day programs for seniors or those with disabilities; a community food box; supportive mental health wellness groups; exercise classes; foot care clinics; and transportation services for those who need accessible transportation. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Salvation Army (Whitby) offers food bank & family services programs, anger management and positive life skills programs, free community hot lunches, and a Back to School program. They may also provide household item vouchers, clothing vouchers, children’s camp and a Christmas Hamper Program. Visit their website for more information on these services and their regular church gatherings. Read more...
Durham Region Social Services (Pickering) offers Financial Emergency services; Children’s services; Family Services (counselling, education); Housing Services, such as affordable housing; Income and Employment Services (Ontario Works Program); and long term care programs for seniors, as well as caregiver relief, Meals on Wheels, and respite care. They also provide a resource directory for local food banks. Visit their website for Read more...
Ellel Canada Ontario is a non-denominational Christian Ministry who offers personal prayer ministry to those in need and trains and equips people to help others more effectively. They are specialized in serving: Aboriginal and Indigenous People(s) and people with addictions. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The YMCA offers a variety of recreational programs, employment and job readiness programs, immigrant services, child care opportunities and community service programs. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Albert McCormick Community Centre is a community centre and recreation facility operated by the City of Waterloo. This facility has an ice rink and public library nearby. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
WPL offers books, movies, video games and music available to borrow, programs and events, family friendly at home experiences and ideas as well as volunteer opportunities and assistance with technology. Library locations are available via the website. Read more...