Care Centre Ottawa offers, a Marketplace (emergency food pantry); Clothing depot; Kids’ Zone; Community Kitchen; Conversational English Circles; Finding Hope Bible Studies; and Employment Services. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Lowertown Community Resource Centre offers food and meal programs; clothing distribution; recreational programs; employment support; emergency kitchen and laundry room access; access to computers and the internet. They also offer crisis counselling and programs for adults with intellectual disabilities. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Highjinx is a social enterprise and community hub. It offers a second hand store; furniture bank; community pantry; harm reduction services and referrals to other community services. Visit their website from more information. Read more...
Banff Avenue Community House provides recreation, education community development and social services to individuals, children/youth and families. They may offer a children’s clothing cupboard; food programs (Fruit and Vegetable Distribution and Emergency Food Cupboard); some bursary and financial support options; and adult drop in programs. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Centretown Community Health Centre offers: counselling services; recreational programs; dental screening services; emergency food supplies and food boxes; an income tax clinic; and other community initiatives. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Gardens Ottawa offers community gardens available for use at a low cost. Learn more about community gardens or find one to participate in through the link to website. Read more...
Catholic Centre for Immigrants is a community-based services for immigrants, refugees, and newcomers to Canada. They offer a Settlement Program; Temporary Housing for Refugees; cafeteria with a variety of cultural foods; childminding; and recreation programs; pastoral and sponsorship programs; tax clinics; and community referrals. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Ćglise Nouvel Espoir is a Christian Church who programs for youth, as well as access to an emergency food bank. They may also provide service in French. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Jewish Family Services of Ottawa offers a variety of services to the Ottawa community, such as a walk-in-clinic; counselling programs; settlement support to newcomers in Canada; and support specifically for the Jewish community. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
OrlƩans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre is a community resource centre which may provide information and referral; individual and family counselling; child & youth programs; a type 2 diabetes program; speech therapy for young children; food bank; housing supports; Employment Ontario services; a military families Resource centre; Medical health team and sexual health clinic. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...