Stanley Park Community Centre is a community centre and recreation facility operated by the City of Kitchener. They offer a variety of childrens and adults programs. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The City of Kingston offers a variety of recreational drop in programs. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Williamsburg Community Centre is a community centre and recreation facility operated by the City of Kitchener. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The City of Kingston offers a variety of lists suggested with ‘things to do’ in the Kingston area. Lists are organized by season. Read more...
Kingsdale Community Centre is a community centre and recreation facility operated by the City of Kitchener. They offer a variety of childrens and adults programs. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Kingston Youth Transitions offers supportive housing to youth 16-24 to learn basic life skills and how to live on their own. Youth pay subsidized rent and receive life skills training and counselling. Youth must apply to participate in this program. Read more...
Grand River Hospital is a Hospital in Kitchener. Grand River hosts a Withdrawal Management program, which may assist individuals through day and residential programs. Visit their website for a full list of services. Read more...
KPL offers books, movies, video games and music available to borrow, programs and events, family friendly at home experiences and ideas as well as volunteer opportunities. Library locations are available by clicking the link. Read more...
The John Howard Society (Kingston) offers a variety of services to individuals who are released from prison including legal assistance and help managing appointments, Bail Verification and Supervision; assistance finding appropriate housing; assistance finding mental health and addictions supports; assistance obtaining Ontario Works, EI or ODSP funding; and may provide referrals to other community supports. Read more...
Nightlight Canada is a multi-denominational drop-in centre for those in the Kingston community. Read more...