Link provides a directory of libraries in Hamilton, virtual and in person programing, e-books, movies and music access and other clubs (knitting, virtual storytelling etc). Library card also gives free museum access in the City of Hamilton. Read more...
Stepping Stone (formerly known as the Welcome In Drop In Centre) helps individuals and families experiencing homelessness step forward on a path toward securing permanent housing in Guelph-Wellington through housing focused programs and individualized support. Read more...
Hamilton Dream Center offers food and clothing banks, basic computer training, resume writing and interview training assistance. They may also have gently used health supplies (Bandaid Depot) such as wheelchairs, walkers and crutches. Visit website for more info. Read more...
The John Howard Society provides direct service to individuals who are involved in the criminal justice system including anger management programs, direct supervision programs, crisis intervention and reintegration programs, parenting and family support, transportation support, employment opportunities, and restorative justice initiatives. Visit the website for more information. Read more...
Good Shepherd (Mary’s Place) offers: Emergency overnight accommodation for up to 54 men; Meals and laundry services; Case management and referrals to community resources; A nurse practitioner and doctor available on site part time. VIsit their website to learn more. Read more...
Native Women’s Shelter offers emergency shelter; transitional housing; abuse help and education for women and youth; community counselling; and discharge planning for Native offenders leaving Hamilton-Wentworth Detention Centre. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Mission services offers an emergency shelter for men, shelter for women and children (Inasmuch House), a resource hub for women (Willows Place), food and hygiene supplies, addictions services and after school support for youth. Visit the website to learn more. Read more...
Princess Anne Community Caring Centre provides second hand clothing and small household items for a small fee. Financial assistance from the Community Caring Fund may also be available. Visit website for more details. Read more...
Martha House is a secure and accessible, 40-bed emergency shelter for women and their children who are homeless and fleeing violence and abuse. They offer programs & Services; safe, short-term accommodation for women and their children in private family-style units, safety planning and emergency transportation to the shelter. If needed, they may provide referrals and advocacy for legal, medical, financial, Read more...
Neighbour to Neighbour offers emergency services including: access to a food bank, community counselling, utilities support, money matters program, settlement service, and community meals. Read more...