W.G. Johnson Centre is a Recreation facility in Cambridge featuring a conditioning room, free weights and swimming pool. It also offers drop in and regular programs – registration can be found using the link. Visit their website for a full list of utilities. Read more...
Library in Gravenhurst. See website for information on library cards, events and other online resources. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Starling Community Services offers family counseling, employment services, housing support and a child-and-parent-place. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Parks and Trails Guide includes listings of all parks and trails local to Gravenhurst. View the guide for more information. Read more...
Visit the Farmers Market in Cambridge for fresh food and a fun experience. See their website for specific locations and times. Read more...
The Gravenhurst Winter Activities Guide includes winter activity suggestions such as hiking, skiing and snowshoeing, public skating, winter carnivals and indoor winter activities local to Gravenhurst. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The City of Burlington opperates regularly scheduled and drop in opportunities for the community are offered at low costs. Creative activities include knitting, crocheting, dancing, pottery and other art classes. Sports activities include Swimming, Zumba, Yoga indoor and outdoor fitness opportunities, also offered on a pay as you play basis at low cost. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Cambridge Public Library offers a variety of services to the public. View the website to see a library list and membership information, as well as locations and a program/event calendar. Read more...
MĆ©tis Nation of Ontario offers programs and services related to Health and Wellness; Education and Training; Housing and Infrastructure; Lands Resources and Consultations; and Economic Development. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The City of Burlington loans free equipment to individuals or groups. Visit their website to learn how to access equipment. Read more...