Progress Place supports individuals living with mental illness. This is done through employment services, recreational activities, educational support, addictions services, and housing support. Read more...
Native Child and Family Services of Toronto provides holistic culture based programs and services for aboriginal children and families such as mental health services, family skills building services, early childhood education, child care, transitional housing, summer camps, substance abuse treatment and healing lodges. Read more...
Adam House provides refugee claimants with clean and safe living accommodations. The staff at Adam House provide assistance and advice with immigration procedures, primarily to our residents and former residents. We provide referrals to legal services, medical assistance, and community resources. Adam House is also a place where refugee claimants can find hope for their future, as we pray with Read more...
Scott Mission serves under-housed individuals in Toronto with shelter, food and meals, clothing, kids programming and spiritual needs. Read more...
Florence Booth House is for women only. It provides three meals per day as well as an evening snack, a bed, clothing, and basic necessities like shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes etc. They offer range of services relating to Housing, counseling, life skills, and assistance with addiction. Florence Booth House supplies regular programming through Life Skills Groups, Health and Wellness groups Read more...
At John Howard Society of Toronto, staff members work in collaboration with Correctional Services Canada (CSC), in order to support male individuals and the reintegration of these clients. This specific society offers the following programs: Individual Counselling, Graduated Leave System, Employment/ Vocational/ Educational Programs, Financial Program, Leisure/Recreational/Social Programs, Substance Abuse Programs, Community Involvement Program, and assistance to find permanent housing. Read more...
The Yonge Street Mission: Davis Centre offers youth employment counselling, skills and a safe space to prepare for employment, as well as access to a computer lab. Read more...
Christian Horizons Central District offers employment support services, supported independent living, participation supports and community residences for individuals with disabilities. Read more...