Maison l’Esther offers shelter and intervention for women and children escaping domestic abuse. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Ć coeur d’homme offers resources for men who are perpetrators and victims of violence. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale is a directory for help and housing for women victims of domestic violence all over QuƩbec. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Le ChaƮnon offers services to adult women in violent situations. They may offer referrals to affordable housing, and mental health resources. Support is available in French, English and Spanish. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Centre de ressources pour hommes de MontrƩal offers services to men experiencing difficulties with violent behavior and anger management. Services may be available as one to ones, group discussions, workshop, and community meals. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Agape Association offers food items and a bread counter, clothing and household furniture, health promotion initiatives and counselling for victims of abuse. Contact them for more information. Read more...
Carrefour d’hommes en changement seeks to to prevent domestic violent behaviours through one on one and group sessions. They also offer phone consultations to help prevent suicide. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
LE 2159 offers services and support to at risk youth and young adults to prevent homelessness, sexual exploitation and delinquency. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
CLSC du Marigot is a clinic which offers medical services; access to a social worker; and resources for victims of sexual assault. Contact them for more information. Phone Line: 450-668-1803 x45000 Line for Victims of Assault: 450-668-1803 x45173 Read more...
Entraide pour hommes offices services to men dealing with a variety of issues such as domestic violence, mental health concerns, and relationship troubles such as a difficult breakup. Please contact them for more information. Phone Line: 450-651-4447 Toll-free: 1-833-651-4447 Read more...