Community Care Durham offers a variety of services to support the community including Meals on Wheels; assisted living/aupportive housing; adult day programs for seniors or those with disabilities; a community food box; supportive mental health wellness groups; exercise classes; foot care clinics; and transportation services for those who need accessible transportation. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Salvation Army (Whitby) offers food bank & family services programs, anger management and positive life skills programs, free community hot lunches, and a Back to School program. They may also provide household item vouchers, clothing vouchers, children’s camp and a Christmas Hamper Program. Visit their website for more information on these services and their regular church gatherings. Read more...
St. Vincent de Paul Society: St. John Evangelist (Whitby) may provide assistance in the form of groceries and clothing. On a case by case basis they may be able to aid in rent, utilities, dental and medical assistance. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Durham Region Social Services (Pickering) offers Financial Emergency services; Children’s services; Family Services (counselling, education); Housing Services, such as affordable housing; Income and Employment Services (Ontario Works Program); and long term care programs for seniors, as well as caregiver relief, Meals on Wheels, and respite care. They also provide a resource directory for local food banks. Visit their website for Read more...
All Saints Anglican Church operates a Food bank accessible to the Whitby community to help meet their basic food requirements. Please visit their website for more information. Read more...
At. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church operates a foodbank run by the church community. Visit their website for more information and food bank hours. Read more...
Supporting Housing of Waterloo offers income supports and voluntary trusteeship; a foodbank and community pantry; staff support with problem solving and planning; access to resources in health care, harm reduction and recreation; crisis support and counselling; and spiritual support. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
House of Friendship is a Waterloo Region-based nonprofit that helps people and families through: affordable housing; emergency shelters; addiction treatment programs; womens health treatment; food hampers; and community assistance. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Vanier Community Service Centre offers a variety of services to the community including a food bank, employment services, legal services, family programs and counselling supports. Visit their website for more information. Ottawa Distress Line: 613-238-3311 Read more...
St Luke’s Anglican Church provides a Food Bank; Community Gardens; a Thrift Store and Community Suppers to those in the Peterborough area. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...