Access Alliance provides services and addresses system inequities to improve health outcomes for theĀ most vulnerable immigrants, refugees, and their communities. Read more...
Unison Health and Community Services provides programs and services to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. Their services are free, confidential and non-judgemental. Read more...
The Toronto Military Family Resource Centre delivers the Military Family Services Program.Ā The Centre also employs approximately 30 full-time, part-time, and casual (supply) staff in the delivery of serving member, veteran, member/veteran family support, and child care services. They provide a range of support services to military families, including education and training programs, employment assistance, deployment support, counselling, child care, Read more...
Anishnawbe Health Toronto provides mental health, addiction services, and support. Read more...
Anishnawbe Health Toronto provides mental health and traditional healing, pre and postnatal programs, and Toronto Public Health dental clinic for eligible children and seniors. Read more...
Anishnawbe Health Toronto provides traditional healing within a multi-disciplinary health care model, cultural programs for children and youth in the care of child protection services, Teaching and Healing Circles, Spiritual Ceremonies, and a diabetes education program. Read more...
Native Child and Family Services provide a life of quality, well-being, caring, and healing for children and families in the Toronto Native Community. They offer education and training programs for adults, including the Literacy and Basic Skills and GED literacy programs. Read more...
Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre is an autonomous, vibrant cultural agency that involves and serves the Indigenous community with confidence for and commitment to their well-being. They promote and employ Aboriginal people in the area of arts & culture, education, family, business and information technology. Read more...
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations provides support, referrals, advocacy, HIV/AIDS education and prevention including distribution of male and female condoms, lubricant and Aboriginal resource material. They also offer needle exchange and harm reduction materials, same sex domestic violence information and referrals for help; care teams and caregiver training; social events; free Internet access; and volunteer opportunities. Visit their website Read more...
Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto is a resource centre for women and children in the GTA. They offer cultural ceremonies, skill development opportunities and other life enhancing programs. They also provide eviction prevention, application assistance, and referrals for Aboriginal women who are homeless or at risk. Read more...