Perspective CarriĆØre offers services and information to recent immigrants about QuĆ©bec’s job market, and offers assistance in finding stable employment. Read more...
Centre communautaire de loisirs Ste-Catherine d’Alexandrie (CCLSCA) offers day classes, language classes, computer workshops, community outreach, computer room and internet access, and recreational activities. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Clinique des rƩfugiƩs offers medical check-ups and tests for refugees. They offer service in a variety of languages. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Centre communautaire Ferland is a community centre which may offer food and meals and have opportunities to participate in sports and activities, and cultural celebrations. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Centre communautaire Jean-Guy Drolet is a community centre which may offer food and meals and have opportunities to participate in sports and activities, and cultural celebrations. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Clef pour l’intĆ©gration au travail des immigrants offers job opportunities and employment skills to French and French speaking immigrants, permanent residents, temporary residents, refugees and visitors. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Centre d’implication libre de Laval offers employment and work units; social supports and music therapy; housing supports; mental health supports; and english classes. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
Carrefour d’intercultures de Laval offers services to welcome of new arrivants to Canada; provide information and orientation support; assist with forms and filing; offer psycho-social support; and offer part time French and English classes. Please contact them for more information. Read more...
La Mission Nouvelle GƩnƩration (MNG) offers access to a food bank and other used household goods such as bikes and vehicles. They may also provide specific supports for a variety of cultural groups. Read more...
Centre communautaire Petit Espoir operates an income tax clinic, providing help to immigrants, refugees, the elderly and low income families and individuals. Please contact them for more information. Read more...