Maple Ridge provides drop in recreational opportunities for the local community. Visit their website to see all drop in opportunities, registration details and prices. Read more...
City of Maple Ridge offers some fee subsidy programs. Visit their website to apply for subsidy and determine eligibility. Read more...
Alexandra Neighbourhood House runs recreational activities, provides mats for the homeless, one-on-one family support, parent-child programs and parent education programs. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Adult and Teen Challenge is a residential drug and alcohol addictions centre. They offer addictions services from a faith-based perspective, as well as education services, work experience, devotionals and recreational activities. The program is available for men 19+. Read more...
Fraser Regional Aboriginal Friendship Centre provides programming directed at serving the Aboriginal population, such as a women’s violence prevention program; child and family programming; counselling; physical health services; homelessness support; and a youth-urgent-need program. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Bloom Group: Powell Place Shelter offers emergency shelter for women in the Vancouver community. First come, first served. They also provide meals, laundry services and community referrals. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Bloom Group: Springhouse Shelter offers shelter for women and women-led families. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Bloom Group: Springhouse Transitional Housing offers second-stage supported family housing units for women-led families. Small fees may be applied. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Salvation Army: Crosswalk Shelter offers access to showers, and referrals to supports including healthcare, life skills, treatment programs, outreach and caseworkers. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Beacon Shelter offers 24 hour housing to 60 men. Guests staying at these shelters are encouraged to work with our case workers and outreach teams to address their housing obstacles. Read more...