South Hill Minor Emergency Clinic is a walk in clinic in the Prince Albert area. Visit their website for a full list of services. Read more...
Spiritual Healing Lodge is a facility open to minimum security male federal inmates who are NOT charged with prison break, and do not have outstanding charges. Individuals may apply through their Parole Officer. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The City of Prince Albert offers a variety of sport leagues and programming for children and adults in the community. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Supermed Family Medicine and Walk-in Clinic is a walk in clinic in the Prince Albert area. Visit their website for a full list of services. Read more...
The Circle Project provides services for Individuals in the aboriginal community including those who have encountered family violence. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Through Circles of Support and Accountability, teams of volunteers and staff, supported by professionals, meet with men and women with histories of sexual offending to hold them accountable for their actions and support them as they reintegrate into the community after release from prison. Read more...
The Salvation Army Saskatoon provides men’s housing and shelter, as well as meals and substance abuse programs and support. Some programs require an application. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Visit To Do Canada to see listings of free events offered by the Region of Saskatoon. Read more...
United Way Regina may provide food and meal programs, as well as housing options to the Regina community. They may also offers some mental health services. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Veterans Affairs Canada is a government agency which provides supports to Canada’s veterans. Visit their website to see a full list of available services. Read more...