Victoria Hospital: Family Treatment Centre offers a residential addiction treatment program which may include schooling, spiritual care, and recreational programming. Referrals are required. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Waskoosis Safe Shelter is an emergency shelter for women and children fleeing violence. Their address is confidential for safety reasons. Please contact them for more information. Crisis helpline: 306-236-5570 Read more...
West Hill Medical Clinic is a walk in clinic in the Prince Albert area. Visit their website for a full list of services. Read more...
YMCA Prince Albert Community Connection Centre may provide assistance in finding affordable housing; and will provide some counselling services. They may refer to other local charities for meals and clothing assistance. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Harmony Home offers transitional housing for youth who are referred by CFS. They offer crisis intervention and education. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
YWCA Homeward Bound offers housing assistance for chronically homeless individuals. They may provide assessment and placements; life skills workshops; landlord communication help; assist in setting up your home; assistance with government forms; and more. Visit their website for more information. YMCA Homeward Bound also supports Kindred Spirit, a program for women at risk of losing children to child welfare agencies, Read more...
YWCA Our House offers a crisis shelter and transitional housing, as well as a cold weather shelter. They may also provide community referrals; host AA and NA groups; and provide recreational opportunities. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Rendalyn Home offers housing for women, 16-21 who are pregnant or have children and are involved with Social Services. Housing is available by referral only. Rendalyn Home provides case management; parenting programs; crisis intervention; assistance with court, job searches, and education and budgeting; supplies meals and may offer cooking classes. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
YWCA Prince Albert offers immigrant settlement services to Canada’s newcomers for up to 5 years. This support may include counseling, translating, cultural orientation, computer access, English classes and housing assistance. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
YWCA Saskatoon offers an emergency shelter for homeless individuals, or for women escaping violence. They also offer employment training and workshops; counselling; food and meals; legal advice; and other community supports. Visit their website for more information. Read more...