CMHA: Bereavement Resources Program offers supportive grief counselling to bereaved individuals, as well as education and consultation to community agencies, groups and the general public. Facilitated support groups based on type of death or relationship to the deceased offer peer support and education which promote understanding of grieving process, as well as learning and implementation of healthy coping strategies. Visit Read more...
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul: Society Shoppe (Lauzon Road) offers second hand and thrifted clothing to the Windsor community at an affordable cost. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Windsor Women Working with Immigrant Women offers to assist immigrant and refugee women and their families to become full and participating members of Canadian society. They may offer information and referrals on social services, advocacy and community and government programs. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Windsor Regional Hospital offers a variety of health care services including an emergency department, sexual assault and domestic violence treatment centre, testing and x-rays. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital operates a variety of health related programs including crisis care, mental health supports and children’s health services. Visit their website for more information. 24-Hour Crisis Line: 519-973-4435 Read more...
Drouillard Place is a multi-service provider dedicated to improving the quality of Life of the residents of the Drouillard and Grandview communities. They offer emergency food bank service, as well as social work services. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Community Care Durham offers a variety of services to support the community including Meals on Wheels; assisted living/aupportive housing; adult day programs for seniors or those with disabilities; a community food box; supportive mental health wellness groups; exercise classes; foot care clinics; and transportation services for those who need accessible transportation. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
The Friendship Centre offers a variety of programs and services which encompass the cultural, economic, social, and political objectives of the Aboriginal community. They offer healing and wellness, employment and health related opportunities to the Aboriginal community in Windsor-Essex. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Talize is a second hand clothing store. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Salvation Army (Whitby) offers food bank & family services programs, anger management and positive life skills programs, free community hot lunches, and a Back to School program. They may also provide household item vouchers, clothing vouchers, children’s camp and a Christmas Hamper Program. Visit their website for more information on these services and their regular church gatherings. Read more...