St. Vincent de Paul Society: St. John Evangelist (Whitby) may provide assistance in the form of groceries and clothing. On a case by case basis they may be able to aid in rent, utilities, dental and medical assistance. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) is a public hospital providing a range of specialized assessment and treatment services to those living with complex and serious mental illnesses. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Primecare Medical Centre is a Medical Clinic in Whitby. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The City of Windsor Employment and Training Services (ETS) is an Employment Ontario service provider that provides employment services and one-on-one assessments to the public. They may offer: photocopying and faxing; computer access for job searches and to find training; resume templates; information on the local labour market; careers and occupations; education, training and employment opportunities; and career planning services. Read more...
Durham Region Social Services (Pickering) offers Financial Emergency services; Children’s services; Family Services (counselling, education); Housing Services, such as affordable housing; Income and Employment Services (Ontario Works Program); and long term care programs for seniors, as well as caregiver relief, Meals on Wheels, and respite care. They also provide a resource directory for local food banks. Visit their website for Read more...
Durham Region Immigration Portal is a resource to help newcomers settle in Durham Region. They provide information on: Settlement services; Education and schools; Job help; Income help; Services and programs; Canadian values; Living in Durham; Durham Local Immigration Partnership Council; Diversity, equity and inclusion; and Sponsoring refugees. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Salvation Army (Whitby) offers food bank & family services programs, anger management and positive life skills programs, Free Community Hot Lunch every Tuesday*, Milk Program, and Back to School program. They may also provide household item vouchers, clothing vouchers, children’s camp and a Christmas Hamper Program. Visit their website for more information on these services and their regular church gatherings. Read more...
Durham Mental Health Services (DMHS) is a charitable not-for-profit agency offering Crisis response; Residential Programs; Community Support Programs; Justice Initiatives; Family Support; Seniors Support; and Training and Education to those with mental health concerns Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Distress Centre Durham works Online and has text services for individuals in distress. Chat live and Text in a safe, confidential, one-on-one conversation with a trained responder. Chat and Text services are for everyone, regardless of your age, issues or concerns. If you’re not comfortable using the phone or would prefer to communicate with someone online or by text about Read more...
The True North Clinic and Pharmasave (Whitby) offers a methadone maintenance and suboxone treatment program, which helps to treat opiate addiction or dependence. Visit their website for more information. Read more...