View website for swimming pool locations, hours, fees and programs for swimming facilities in the Peterborough area. Read more...
Volunteering in Peterborough is a great opportunity to get involved with the city of Peterborough and engage with the community. Visit the website to see available volunteer opportunities and apply for positions. Read more...
The City of Peterborough offers programs related to fitness, learning, skating, sports, wellness and other drop in activities. Registration pages, scheduling and locations, as well as information on recreation fee subsidies are available through the website. Read more...
Peterborough Housing Corp provide assistance in finding affordable housing in the Peterborough area. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Housing Peterborough provides information on rental housing and homelessness services in Peterborough City and County. They may also provide credit counselling, emergency shelter, food programs and more. Visit their website to see a full list of services and programs. Read more...
Alcoholics Anonymous offers a 12-step program to overcome alcohol addictions and abuse. Visit their website to find a meeting. Read more...
Kawartha Food Share offers a resource list to find Food Banks in the Kawartha area. Visit their website to find a food bank accessible to you. Read more...
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services assists First Nations individuals living in the Peterborough area to find safe and affordable housing. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
One Roof is a ministry of St. John’s Anglican Church, and offers professional training, life skills, community building, harm reduction, access to primary health care and a safe space to be. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
The Pickering Public Library runs programs, workshops, events and other services, Visit the website for details including library locations, hours and amenities. Read more...