Pathways Alcohol and Drug Treatment offers addictions assessment, counselling and out-patient treatment, and ongoing support. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services is a corporation with a mandate to provide safe and affordable housing to urban and rural First Nation, Inuit and MĆ©tis people living off-Reserve in Ontario. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Providence Care Mental Health offers mental health services to the Sharbot Lake community. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
North Frontenac Food Bank provides free food baskets to people in need upon request. Call or email to set up a time to pick up your basket. Read more...
Stittsville Food Bank offers accessible and affordable food options in the Sittsville area. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
The Grace Centre provides a food bank on a weekly basis. The Grace Centre also has a community garden, and offers housing support, transportation, and a rural women’s support group. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations provides support, referrals, advocacy, HIV/AIDS education and prevention including distribution of male and female condoms, lubricant and Aboriginal resource material. They also offer needle exchange and harm reduction materials, same sex domestic violence information and referrals for help; care teams and caregiver training; social events; free Internet access; and volunteer opportunities. Visit their website Read more...
Community Legal Education Ontario offers a source of legal rights education and information to help people understand and exercise their legal rights. Their programming focuses on providing information to people who face barriers to accessing the justice system, including income, disability, literacy, and language. As part of Ontario’s legal aid system, they work in partnership with other legal clinics and Read more...
Aboriginal Legal Services provides legal services to the Aboriginal Community in Ontario. They are funded by Legal Aid Ontario. They work primarily on landlord and tenant issues, Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Plan (ODSP), Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPPD), human rights, police complaints, criminal injuries compensation, poverty law, and the Indian Act. They do not do criminal or family Read more...
Elizabeth Fry offers a broad range of community support to serve and empower women. This includes counselling, residential and housing, court diversion programs, employment supports, sex work transition programs, and community supports. Visit their website for more information. Read more...