Ontario Social Assistance offers Ontario citizens social assistance such as the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Ontario Works and other benefits. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Ontario Social Assistance offers Ontario citizens social assistance such as the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Ontario Works and other benefits. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Debra Dynes Family House is a community-based agency which offers: a nutrition program and emergency food bank; Internet and computer access; clothing programs; recreation for children and youth; low-income earners tax clinic; and more. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
St Basil’s Social Action Group offers an emergency food cupboard available once a month; food may be delivered in special circumstances. Clothing is available to those who need it by way of a voucher redeemable at St. Vincent de Paul store. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
St Mary’s Home (Ottawa): Young Parent Outreach Centre offers programs for children; parenting, prenatal classes; life skills; support and counselling; a food bank; obstetrical clinic; contraceptive clinic; children’s play groups; well baby clinics; breastfeeding supports; and cooking classes. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre offers: emergency food services; community gardens; collective kitchens and community meals; counselling and social services, as well as crisis intervention; low-income energy assistance program, and tax clinics; free access to computers; housing support; employment support; health promotion; and more. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
St Lukeās Table offers food and meals; clothing vouchers; hair cut services; use of telephones and computers; use of their mailing address for those without a stable address; recreational programs; and counselling services. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Economic and Social Council of Ottawa-Carleton (La Boussole Francophone) offers settlement service for Francophone immigrants and newcomers to Ottawa. Workers help the new arrivals and Francophone immigrants with the initial stages of settlement through: a Settlement Program; Interpretation and Translation services; Counselling services; and Employment preparation service. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
MĆ©tis Nation of Ontario offers programs and services related to Health and Wellness; Education and Training; Housing and Infrastructure; Lands Resources and Consultations; and Economic Development. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
CityKidz is a christian-based organization that provides programs for kids that encourage them, and provide them with safe, educational fun. Visit their website for more information. Read more...