Fred Victor: Supervised Consumption Service provides short term support, referrals, personal support workers, liaison services, as well as a supervised consumption clinic. Application and consent form available for download on website. Read more...
Through Circles of Support and Accountability, teams of volunteers and staff, supported by professionals, meet with men and women with histories of sexual offending to hold them accountable for their actions and support them as they reintegrate into the community after release from prison. Read more...
Fred Victor: Supervised Consumption Service provides a safe injection site, Naloxone kits, and has overdose prevention measures in place. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Reintegration Services provides assessments, referrals, snacks, overdose prevention information, harm reduction education and tools, and naloxone kits. Additionally, their case managers and peer support workers work with each client, so they can receive individualized support to acquire the necessary skills and assistance to get and maintain housing. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Breakaway Addictions Services hosts a Harm Reduction Outreach program which operates a team that works to teach the principles of harm reduction and reduce the potential challenges that may arise for individuals who are using substances. Their program provides free access to safer-sex and safer use kits, offers crisis intervention, one-to-one counselling, advocacy and support services. Likewise, their team is Read more...
This location of Springboard Services offers programs for adults (18+) who are in contact with the justice system. Programs include community work alternatives for males, support and counselling, community service/volunteer opportunities, and an accountability program. The accountability program helps support and rehabilitate offenders, most often for drug offences. Read more...
CMHA offers support for people struggling with their mental health. This support can include housing support, suicide prevention, employment services and counselling. Read more...
416 Community Services for Women offers individual addictions services and counselling for women suffering from domestic violence or abuse as well as those with Mental Health issues and Addictions. Their drop In centre offers free meals (breakfast at 8:30-10, lunch at 12-2), and a weekly food bank, as well as wellness and recreational programs. Visit their website to learn more. Read more...
Rainbow Services offers free and confidential counselling to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit and intersex people who are concerned about their use of drugs and alcohol. Offers addiction services. Services available for individuals over 18 without referral. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
ACT offers Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST), addiction services and therapy. The cost of clinic visits is covered by OHIP with a valid Health Card. Read more...