Mission Thrift Store (Winnipeg) offers second hand clothing and household items at an affordable cost. Visit their website for learn more. Read more...
Morberg House is transitional housing for men dealing with homelessness, addictions or mental health issues. Residence may stay between 4 and 18 months. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Mosaic Newcomer Family Resource Network provides family resources, language skills, and parenting classes to newcomers in Canada. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Mount Carmel Clinic is a community clinic with wide range of services such as: health care and nutrition programs; pharmacy; mothering programs and primary care; youth programming; and access to computer rooms. MB Health card required. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Naomi House offers transitional housing for immigrants and refugees. Naomi House is operated by City Church. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Nassau Street Church: Barnabas House provides housing for men recovering from addictions who are in need of support. Admission requires an application & interview process, as well as 3 weeks sobriety at time of admission. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Native Addictions Council of Manitoba operators AA, NA, and CA groups; offers counseling; language classes; anger management programs; learning circles; and recreation. They also operate Pritchard House, a 35-day rehab program. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
Native Women’s Transition Centre Inc. operates several residences for Indigenous women and their children. They offer case management; communal, supportive living; counseling; group programming, parenting; addiction and relapse services; and healing circles. One residence is specifically available for women exiting correctional facilities. Visit their website for more information. Read more...
New Journey Housing is a resource centre for newcomer housing in Manitoba. They provide help, assistance, and resources to guide newcomers to rent or purchase housing, and offer training on money management. Primary clients are newcomers to Canada including permanent residents, international students, temporary foreign workers, and naturalized Canadians. They also support sponsors, landlords, and anyone else involved in newcomer Read more...
Nine Circles Community Health Centre offers care and treatment of HIV, Hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections; and delivers comprehensive primary care, social support, education and prevention services. Visit their website for more information. Read more...