The Aboriginal Women and Children’s Apartments offer self-contained apartments for Aboriginal mothers 16-24 with children. You can self-refer at the youth drop-in at 655 Bloor St W. Read more...
The Native Women’s Transitional House provide services for at-risk Aboriginal women 16-24 with or without children. You can self-refer at the youth drop-in at 655 Bloor St. W. Read more...
The Native Men’s Transitional House provides services for self-declared Native men 16-24 who are homeless or under-housed. You can self-refer at the youth drop-in at 655 Bloor St W. Read more...
Anduhyaun Inc. is a non-profit registered charity provides emergency shelter and second stage transitional housing to women and their children fleeing violence. Read more...
Akwa Honsta is an ABORIGINAL Housing Provider offering Rent-geared-to-Income (RGI) and market apartments to members of the ABORIGINAL community in a well established neighbourhood in the east-end of Toronto. Read more...
Anishnawbe Health Toronto provides mental health, addiction services, and support. Read more...
Anishnawbe Health Toronto provides mental health and traditional healing, pre and postnatal programs, and Toronto Public Health dental clinic for eligible children and seniors. Read more...
Anishnawbe Health Toronto provides traditional healing within a multi-disciplinary health care model, cultural programs for children and youth in the care of child protection services, Teaching and Healing Circles, Spiritual Ceremonies, and a diabetes education program. Read more...